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国家体育总局 国家国家教育委员会



第一章 总  则

  第一条 为加强体育运动学校的管理,促使体育运动学校遵循体育、教育规律健康发展,提高办学质量,适应社会主义体育事业发展需要,特制定本规定。
  第二条 体育运动学校是在对学生进行体育专业教育的同对,进行系统的竞技运动训练,读训并重的中等专业学校。
  第三条 体育运动学校的主要任务是为国家培养和输送德、智、体全面发展的高水平体育运动后备人才和合格的中等体育专业人才。
  第四条 体育运动学校由当地体育行政部门与教育行政部门共同领导,以体育行政部门领导为主。体育行政部门负责学校的全面管理工作,教育行政部门在文化课教师和教学设备的配备等方面给予支持。体育运动学校在实施义务教育和教学业务上应接受当地教育行政部门的管理、指导和监督。
  第五条 体育运动学校的设置应当按照国家教委关于普通中等专业学校设置规定的审批程序,由当地体育行政部门提出申请,经教育行政部门审核后,报人民政府批准.并报国家体委。国家教委普通备案(已批准成立的补报两委备案)。国家体委、国家教委同意备案后方可招生。
  第六条 体育运动学校中专学生规模应不少于120人。

第二章 学制、招生和毕业

  第七条 体育运动学校学制三年。因训练、竞赛需要,可延长一年。
  第八条 体育运动学校招生纳入国家招生计划。主要招收体育运动学校附设初中班、业余体校、传统项目学校的应届初中毕业生。根据体育专业的特点和需要,招生工作可提前单独进行。考生需参加体育、文化课考试和体检。体育考试符合要求者允许参加省、自治区、直辖市统一组织的中等体育专业文化课招生考试。达到省、自治区、直辖市体育中专录取标准者方可录取。对体育运动成绩优异的考生,可适当降低录取标准。附设初中班品学兼优的毕业生,经主管体育教育行政部门同意,可保送升人体育运动学校中专班。降分幅度和保送标准应由主管体育部门与省一级中专招生主管部门商定。
  第九条 体育运动学校学生修完规定的全部课程,经考试合格方为毕业。毕业生享受中专待遇,纳入地方中专毕业生统一分配计划。根据社会需要和择优录用的原则分配工作。
  第十条 体育运动学校附设班的教育教学工作,必须严格贯彻执行《中华人民共和国义务教育法》及中、小学教育教学管理的有关规定。
  第十一条 体育运动学校附设班面向社会普通中、小学招生。学生入校前需严格进行体检、选材测试(骨龄检查、身体形态机能评定、身体素质和专项技术测试)、文化考核和思想品德审查。录取的确良学生按《中小学生学籍管理》的有关规定转入体育运动学校并保留原所在学校学籍一年(初中三年级学生原则上不退回原学校)。
  第十二条 体育运动学校(含附设班)可根据优秀运动队的需要输送学生。优秀运动队应按《义务教育法》的规定,为入选学生的文化课学习提供条件。

第三章 思想政治教育

  第十三条 思想政治教育是学校教育工作的重要组成部分。体育运动学校应把思想政治贯穿于学校全部教育工作中。
  第十四条 思想政治教育的基本内容是:马列主义、毛泽东思想的教育;党的路线、方针、政策和形势教育;理想、道德教育;法制教育;革命传统教育;集体主义和爱国主义教教育。
  第十五条 思想政治教育必须坚持实事求是、疏通引导的方针,注意结合青少年儿童特点,并通过政治课、形势教育、班主任工作、党团活动等多种形式进行。

第四章 文化教学

  第十六条 体育运动学校必须重视学生的文化学习。中专的课程设置、课时安排执行《三年制中等体育专业教学计划》。附设班的课程设置、课时安排原则上与普通中、小学相同。在保证完成教学任务的前提下,学校可根据教学、训练的实际情况,制定出具体教学计划。
  第十七条 体育运动学校必须确保良好的教学环境和正常的教学秩序。学生每天文化教育和自修时间应保证六学时。学生因训练、比赛所缺课程必须及时安排补课辅导。
  第十八条 教育行政部门应为体育运动学校调配思想品德好,热爱体育事业,并具备相应的学历和丰富教学经验的老师,以确保教学质量。 第五章 运动训练与竞赛

  第十九条 体育运动学校应贯彻“选好苗子,打好基础,系统训练,积极提高”的方针和严格训练、严格要求的原则。
  第二十条 体育运动学校应严格按照国家体委对教练员的有关规定,选聘优秀专职教练员任教。
  第二十一条 体育运动学校必须严格按照国家体委颁布发的各专项教学训练大纲所规定的内容和要求,进行科学的、系统的训练。要加强医务监督和体育保健,防止运动操作学生每天专项训练时间控制在3-3.5小时(含早操)。严禁违背学生生长发育规律进行超负荷训练。
  第二十二条 体育运动学校的竞赛要着眼于培养和输送高水平后备人才。通过竞赛检验教学、训练效果,促进人才增产培养和运动技术提高。

第六章 教师、教练员

  第二十三条 教师、教练员要坚持四项基本原则,忠诚国家的教育、体育事业。要热爱本职工作,为人师表。要精通专业知识、专项技术,努力完成教育、教学、训练任务,做到又红又专。
  第二十四条 教师、教练员应从学校的实际情况出发,妥善安排文化教学、运动训练工作。针对学生特点,区别对待,回材施教,不断改进教学、训练手段和方法,并善于汲取国内外先进经验,提高教学、训练质量。
  第二十五条 教师、教练员要相互尊重,团结协作,全面关心学生成长,共同做好学生的政治思想、文化学习、运动训练和生活管理工作。

第七章 物质保证

  第二十六条 体育运动学校必须具备与办校规模相适应的教学、实验、图书阅览等教学设施,并按照学生人数配置必须的教学仪器、设备、标本、挂图、模型及图书资料。
  第二十七条 体育运动学校必须配备与所设置的体育项目、课程相适应的训练场馆、训练器材、选材测试仪器、电教设备等。
  第二十八条 体育运动学校必须具备与办学规模相适应的宿舍、食堂、浴室、医务室等生活设施。
  第二十九条 体育运动学校办学经费主要由主管的体育行政部门拨给,附设班文化教学经费的数额和拨款渠道由主管的教育行政部门和体育行政部门,根据《中华人民共和国义务教育法》的有关规定和附设班的规模及各地现行经费管理体制研究商定。学校基建投资由主管学校的体育和教育行政部门联合向省、自治区、直辖市计委申报。教练员、学生的伙食标准按国家体委、财政部、商业部(85)体计字464号通知的三类灶实物标准执行。

第八章 组织领导与管理

  第三十条 体育运动学校必须按照"革命化、年轻化、知识 化、专业化"的要求和德才兼备的原则选配精于的领导班子。校长必须由坚持社会主义办学方向,熟悉教育、体育规律,并具有体 育专业知识和组织管理能力的人员担任。必须有熟悉文化教学和运动训练的副校长分管文化教学和运化动训练工作。
  第三十一条 体育运动学校要建立健全教务、训练、行政管理、后勤等组织机构,并配备相应数量的教师、教练员和行政后勤人员。教职工与学生的比例为1:2一2.5(用两种语言教学的为1:1.5一2);教师与学生的比例为1:8一1O;教练员与学生的比例为1:6一8。
  第三十二条 体育运动学校应严格执行《体育运动学校学生学籍管理办法》,并根据学校情况制定相应的管理制度。
  第三十三条 体育运动学校应制定各专项教学训练大纲的考核制度。建立学生思想品德、文化成绩、运动技术档案及选材测试资料和档案。
  第三十四条 体育运动学校应制定严格的财务、场地器材、教学仪器、图书资料、档案、后勤、卫生保健等管理制度。

第九章 附  则

  第三十五条 本规定自发布之日起施行。
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第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强全国环境监测仪器设备管理,充分发挥仪器设备的作用,根据《全国环境监测管理条例》制定本规定。
第二条 监测仪器设备是开展环境监测的必备手段,是国家的宝贵财产。各级环境保护行政主管部门,应保证仪器设备折旧、更新和补充的经费。并纳入年度财务计划。
第三条 各级环境保护行政主管部门应设专人管理监测仪器设备;市级以上(含市级)环境监测站应设仪器设备管理科室;县级站应有专人管理。
第四条 本规定适用于全国各级环境保护行政主管部门和各级环境监测站。各部门、工矿企事业单位设置的各级环境监测站可参照执行。

第二章 使用与管理
第五条 各级环境保护行政主管部门主要职责是:
第六条 各级环境监测站主要职责是:
第七条 各级环境监测站要认真贯彻执行国家计量法的有关规定,对本单位使用的仪器设备应定期检定。
第八条 为保证大型仪器设备的完好率和充分发挥效能,各级环境监测站应统一管理集中使用。
第九条 各种仪器设备必须建立专人负责制,实行档案管理制度,建档建卡,做到技术档案资料齐全、完整。
第十条 操作人员必须经过专门培训和考核方能上机操作,使用中应遵守操作规程。
第十一条 仪器设备实行事故报告制度、发生事故,仪器负责人应立即报告仪器管理部门,并写出事故报告。

第三章 仪器设备的配置
第十二条 各级环境监测站应按所承担的监测任务,参照《全国各级环境监测站仪器设备配置参考标准》有计划的配置监测仪器设备。大型和进口仪器设备购置前,需进行可行性技术论证,报主管部门批准。
第十三条 仪器设备技术指标由国家环境保护行政主管部门制定。各单位配置的仪器应符合国家颁布的有关技术指标要求,做到规范化、系列化和标准化。
第十四条 省、自治区、直辖市所辖区内的监测仪器设备的选型工作,由各省、自治区、直辖市环境监测中心站负责进行,报主管部门批准。

第四章 折旧与报废
第十五条 各种仪器设备应按耐用年限,逐年折旧,核减固定资产总值。
第十六条 仪器设备由于长期使用,已达到耐用年限,技术性能已达不到技术指标,没有继续使用和修复价值,可由环境监测站提出报废申请,报主管部门批准,批准后削减固定资产总值,必要时可报上级主管部门批准。

第五章 附 则
第十七条 附件:
第十八条 本规定由国家环境保护局开发监督司负责解释。
第十九条 本规定自公布之日起实行。
监测站级别| | |
| 二级站 | 三级站 | 四级站
仪器名称 | | |
1/万分析天平 | 3—5 | 3—5 | 2—4
1/10万分析天平 | 1 | 1 |
可见分光光度计 | 3—5 | 3—5 | 2
紫外分光光度计 | 2 | 2 | 1
红外分光光度计 | 1 | |
pH电位仪 | 4 | 4 | 2—3
气相色谱仪 | 2—3 | 2—3 | 1
原子吸收分光光度计 | 2—3 | 2—3 | 1
萤光分光光度计 | 1 | 1 |
液相色谱仪 | 1 | 1 |
离子色谱仪 | 1 | 1 | 1
测汞仪 | 2 | 2—3 | 1—2
溶解氧测定仪 | 2 | 2—3 | 1—2
COD测定仪 | 1—2 | 2 | 1
声级计 | 3 | 4 | 2—3
噪声分析仪 | 1 | 2 | 1
BOD培养箱 | 2—3 | 2—3 | 1—2
电冰箱 | 5—6 | 8—10| 4—5
环境污染监测车 | 2 | 2—3 | 1
空调机 |与仪器配置|与仪器配置|与仪器配置






第一条 报验单位

第二条 报验范围

第三条 报验时必须提供的单证

凡必须向商检机构办理卫生注册及出口质量许可证的商品,必须交附商检机构签发的卫生注册证书、厂检合格单或出口质量许可证。 冷冻、水产、畜产品和罐头食品等须办理卫生证时,必须交附商检机构签发的卫生注册证书及厂检合格单。

第四条 报验时限和地点

第五条 报验要求


第六条 证单的更改

第七条 出运限期

第八条 本规定由国家商检局负责解释。

第九条 本规定自公布之日起实施。


(Promulgated by the State Administration of Import and Export Com-modity Inspection on August 21, 1989)

Whole Doc.
With a view to strengthening the administrative work of application
for inspection of import and export commodities, these provisions are
formulated in accordance with the relevant articles of the Law of the
People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection.

Article 1 Application Units
(1) Domestic enterprises authorized to engage in import and export
(2) Receivers (consignee) of import commodities or their agents;
(3) Manufacturers producing export commodities;
(4) Parties involved in foreign trade;
(5) Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign
contractual joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises;
(6) Representative offices of foreign enterprises and trade
corporations in China.

Article 2 Scope of Application for Inspection
(1) Import and export commodities included in the List of
(2) Sanitary inspection and quarantine of export food and quarantine
of export animal products;
(3) Performance testing and usage testing of packagings (pressure
vessels or containers) for dangerous export goods;
(4) Vessels and containers used for carrying export perishable food;
(5) Import and export commodities subject to inspection by the
commodity inspe ction authorities under other laws or administrative rules
and regulations;
(6) Commodities which can be permitted for import must be subject to
the certificates issued by the commodity inspection authorities in
accordance with the agreement between the competent departments of China
and those of the importing countries;
(7) Commodities subject to inspection and certification by the
commodity inspection authorities as specified in the foreign trade
contracts or letter of credits;
(8) Superintending and surveying services upon application by the
parties involved in foreign trade;
(9) Inspection services upon entrustment.
The commodity inspection authorities will not accept the application
for inspection, if there is any one of the following conditions:
(1) Export commodities subject to inspection have been shipped out
without inspection;
(2) Commodities do not belong to the scope of commodity inspection in
accordance with the division of work.

Article 3 Documents / Certificates Required for Application for Inspection
(1) The applicants when applying for inspection of import
commodities, shall submit the foreign trade contracts, foreign invoices,
bill of lading, packing list and the Notice for Arrival of Imported Goods;
Those applying for quality inspection of import commodities shall
submit the quality certificates of foreign countries, instruments of usage
relative standards and technical materials. If the contract is concluded
based on samples, the transaction samples must be attached accordingly;
Those who applying for survey on damage goods shall submit the
relative documents/certificates, such as tallying sheet of damage goods,
the railway commercial records, the air accident records or the marine
Those who applying for weight (quantity) survey shall submit the
description of weight and tallying sheet, etc.;
Import commodities subject to inspection and receipt by the receivers
and end-users, or subject to inspection by other units, are required to be
attached with the inspection and receipt records, weight description and
report of inspection findings.
(2) The applicants when applying for inspection of export commodities
shall submit foreign trade contracts, (confirmation letters), L/C and
relative documents/certificates and letters. If the contract is concluded
based on samples, the samples confirmed by two parties are required to be
attached. Those who apply for preliminary inspection of export commodities
shall submit the necessary inspection basis.
If the commodities subject to preliminary inspection are to be
exported against the inspection certificates issued by the local commodity
inspection authorities the preliminary inspection results shall be
Commodities subject to inspection by the other commodity inspection
authorities must be attached with the original copy of "List of Exchanging
Inspection Certificates of Export Commodities".
Any commodities which must make sanitary registration and export
quality license with the commodity inspection authorities shall be
attached with the sanitary registration certificates issued by the
commodity inspection authorities, the qualified inspection report issued
by the factory or the export quality license.
If frozen, aquatic, animal products and canned food are required to
go through formalities for sanitary registration certificates, the
sanitary registration certificates issued by the commodity inspection
authorities and the qualified inspection report issued by the factory must
be presented to the commodity inspection authorities.
(3) Application for inspection of superintending and surveying
services The pa rties involved in foreign trade when applying for
superintending and surveying services shall submit the relevant contracts,
foreign invoices, bill of lading (transport bill of lading), commercial
records, weight descriptions, cargo manifests, storage plan, letters by
shippers or writing instruments, marine reports or other relative
(4) Application for inspection of packaging inspection of dangerous
((1)) The applicants when applying for testing on performance of
packagings of dangerous goods must submit the relevant documents such as
standards for products and processing specifications, etc.;
((2)) The applicants when applying for testing on usage of packagings
of dangerous goods must submit the performance testing report and the
relative documents and certificates.
(5) Application for inspection of entrustment inspection
((1)) The applicants shall submit the samples for inspection and
state the inspection requirements, and if necessary shall submit the
relevant standard for inspection or inspection methods;
((2)) Foreign parties when applying for entrustment inspection and
surveying services shall submit the relevant letters and materials.

Article 4 Time-limit and Place of Application for Inspection
After arrival of the import commodities which are subject to
inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, the receivers or the
forwarding agents shall make registration for import commodities with the
commodity inspection authorities located at the arrival port or the
station of arrival against the "Notice of Arrival of Imported Goods" or
other relative documents/certificates;
For import commodities which are included in the List of Commodities
and for import commodities which are not included in the List of
Commodities, but subject to inspection certificates issued by the
commodity inspection authorities, against which claim may be claimed, the
receivers and end-users or their agents shall apply for inspection to the
commodity inspection authorities located at the destination of goods
within the time-limit at least before 1/3 valid period for claim. If the
valid period for claim is limited to accomplish the inspection procedures
for issuing certificates the applicants must make an application for
extension of the claim period with the foreign parties in advance;
Application for inspection of damage survey on damaged import
commodities are in general made at the arrival port;
Application for inspection of weight survey on large quantity of
import commodities in bulk are in general made at the arrival port;
For a batch of import commodities which will be distributed to
several places, the receivers or their agents shall apply to the commodity
inspection authorities located at the port for inspection and issuance of
certificates. Those which can not be inspected at the port by batches due
to some certain reasons shall apply for inspection at another place.
For export commodities, application for inspection shall be made at
least 10 days before declaration to the Customs or before shipment. For
some special export commodities which need longer time for inspection,
appropriate time shall be kept for sampling and inspection.

Article 5 Requirements of Application for Inspection
(1) The applicants must fill in the application in accordance with
the requirements. Being of clear writing, accurate, complete in filled
items, and identical Chinese and English version, and with stamps of the
application units, one copy of the application is only to refer to one
batch on commodities. No change or alternation of the contents of the
application can be made;
(2) If the applicants, have some special requirements about the
contents of the inspection certificate, they shall make a statement on the
application of inspection in advance;
(3) The applicants when applying for inspection shall pay the
inspection fee in accordance with the provisions;
(4) The applicants shall arrange the time for sampling inspection
procedures, and testing and provide the necessary working conditions for
sampling, inspection and testing.
(5) For export commodities which have completed the application
procedures for inspection, if the L/C is required to be revised by foreign
letters, which refers to some commodity inspection clauses, the applicants
must present the revised letter to the commodity inspection authorities
and go through the formalities for modifying the clauses related.
(6) The applicants when withdrawing the application for inspection
due to some special reasons, shall proceed with the cancellation of
application for inspection by making a written statement.
(7) The applicants, what taking the inspection certificates shall
sign their accurate names and time, and keep the certificate in a proper
way. The various kinds of certificates shall be used in accordance with
their special requirements and will not be mixed up for use.

Article 6 Modification of Certificates and Documents
(1) The applicants when deemed necessary, have reasonable reasons to
require t o modify or add/remit the contents of the various kinds
certificates and documents issued by the commodity inspection authorities,
they must make an application to the original commodity inspection
authority which issued the certificates and present all the certificates
and documents originally issued. Subject to examination and approval, the
relevant certificates documents may be modified or reissued by the
original commodity inspection authority.
(2) If the inspection certificates issued by the inland commodity
inspection authorities are found some problems which refer to the
modification and the contents of inspection items, the applicants shall
contact with the original commodity inspection authority which issued the
inspection certificate to deal with the relative matters.
(3) The applicants must strictly abide by the Law of the People's
Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection and the
relevant administrative laws, rules and regulations, no commodity
inspection certificates can be allowed purposely to be altered, falsified,
remade and illegally assigned.

Article 7 The Time-limit for Shipment
The export commodities subject to inspection by the commodity
inspection authorities which have been issued the inspection certificate
or releasing notices shall be in general shipped out within 2 months since
the date of issuing the certificates or documents, while the fresh and
live commodities shall be shipped out within two weeks. If the export
commodities are not shipped out within the above- mentioned time-limit,
the application for reinspection must be made with the commodity
inspection authorities, and all inspection certificates and releasing
notices issued originally must be returned respectively.

Article 8
The right of interpreting these Provisions resides in the State
Administration of Import and Export Commodity Inspection.

Article 9
These Provisions shall go into effect on the date of their